Browsing the work of others stimulates creativity and innovation.
Here are a few links to sites that we like and recommend


TEDx Video : Need a new idea ? Start at the edge of what is known (Vittorio Loretto)

TEDx Video : L’innovation par le changement de posture – Est-ce lalimite? (Jean-Charles Cailliez)


Networking in the field of innovation in Life Sciences

Adebiotech, the life science think tank

France Biotech : l’association des entrepreneurs en sciences de la vie

Onconetworking : Biotechs and Medtechs in the field of oncology

French Biobeach : a San Diego based association dedicated to promoting US-Europe collaborations

Nobel Project : Smarter healthtech in Europe (European project coordinated by ETP Nanomedicine)

Mabdesign : the immunotherapy network

RĂ©seau Biotechno (Association of PhD students)

LaBiotech : online news on european biotech


Initiatives in the field of Innovation

Shaker : The startup booster in biotech (by Genopole)

Innovation Tuesdays (CNRS)

Concours “Chercheurs-Entrepreneurs” (AEF/CNRS)

“Les innovatives” : a Social Science Event organized by CNRS


Documentation on organoids

Wyss Institute : Organ on Chips

The HUB foundation for organoids

Poster (Stem Cell Technologies) : Growing organoids from stem cells

Cancer Spheroid and organoids eCourse (ThermoFisher)


Student competitions

Science competitions earn you fame, glory and transferable skills (Nature)

IGEM competition


List of High School student competitions (Johns Hopkins)




Organoids Podcast (Stem Cell TEchnologies)

The Stem Cell Podcast (Stem Cell TEchnologies)

New England Medicine Podcast (NEJM)

Science Weekly Podcast (The Guardian)